Zonbi Gains New Drummer and Announces Two New CDs

Zonbi Gains New Drummer and Announces Two New CDs
Visual Kei band zonbi (ぞんび) has gained a new drummer last week and announced the release of a new single and compilation album.

On February 6th drummer kaji departed from the band after one last live at Shibuya REX and decided to completely retire from the music industry. After that day zonbi has performed with a support drummer named REIKA who has been part of SAW and 246R. before. On February 28th REIKA officially joined zonbi, making the band a four-member band again.

To show that the member change won't affect their band activities they've announced the release of not only one but two new CDs! The first one will be a single titled "shineba ii no ni." (死ねばいいのに。) and it drops on June 3rd for 1080 Yen. The CD includes the lead track and another song titled "living dead march" (リビングデッド・マーチ).

Furthermore, zonbi's compilation album "fuhaishuu" (腐敗集) will hit the stores on July 22nd but unfortunately there aren't more details on that one revealed yet. 


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