New Releases: DIAURA

DIAURA Announcing Two New Releases for Early 2013

their new maxi single "SIRIUS / Lily" will be released at 2013/07/10 (2 TYPE)

TYPE A (2,310yen) will include CD+DVD (including "SIRIUS" "Lily" PVs), and TYPE B (1,680yen) will include CD only

[CD track list]
03.deadly number (included in TYPE B )
+secret track

their another new maxi single "失翼の聖域(shitsuyoku no seiiki)" will be released at 2013/08/28, which will include "失翼の聖域(shitsuyoku no seiiki)", 1 unreleased new song and 2 re-recording songs to be selected by voting

Credits: Trombe

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